
DadLAN awoken

In the beginning of LAN parties, kids would lug their 17 inch CRTs across cities to host local game servers and stink up their parents basements. These kids now run and maintain domains, deny pull requests and change diapers.

These fellow dads get together to get back to their roots. Loud celebrations of good food, drinks, and smoke are had!

Initially coined by three dads looking to recapture their fleeting youth in the face of the crushing responsibilities of parenthood, Dadlan was born.

The exact dates are a little fuzzy and lost to the winds of time but this first chance gathering occurred sometime between 2015 and 2017.

In 2017 the event was intentionally held and 6 of us were present at that most holy establishment of something which would grow to include 20 members.

In 2018 a collaborative design effort excreted the masterful work that has become our logo. 2018 also established our annual cadence of a fall gathering.

Informal DadWan events on a random Friday, Saturday or even the occasional Monday coordinated via Discord and Slack occur throughout the year, but the crowning event is always our weekend away from responsibility each fall.

As of 2022, there have been 6 annual events with no plans to quit anytime soon.