Dadlan 2k18

Spring Fling Feb 16-18 (Liberty Lake, WA)

  • 144 sq feet of dadfarts
  • So much [Kingdom Come](Kingdom Come: Deliverance on Steam
  • ribo and longjax destroying everyone in Quake and Overwatch
  • Gine drove across the state to take naps
  • Skidd threw up in Hiccupatron’s car
  • Swag
    • Commemorative Sticker (pre-logo)
  • 9(ish) Attendees
    • ribo
    • longjax
    • Gine
    • hiccupatron
    • Prozach
    • skidd
    • invisus (FNG)
    • Oafie (FNG)
    • Xberb (FNG) - showed up for a hot minute but didn’t hang out long

Fall Classic Nov 2-5 (Leavenworth, WA)

  • Dadlan the Flag made its debut as well
  • Edibles for days
  • Jumping into frigid waters
  • Serious Sam is Serious
  • Prozach can clear a room of nerds
  • Hitting on photographers
  • So much sausage consumed at the Leavenworth Sausage Garten
  • Swag
    • Debut of Dadlan logo for Fall Classic Commemorative Sticker
    • Dadlan Logo Stickers (multiple designs including GitD)
    • Dadlan Buttons
    • Fall Classic commemorative steins
  • 8 Attendees - Parasox fucked his shit up and couldn’t come
    • ribo
    • longjax
    • hiccupatron
    • Prozach
    • skidd
    • invisus
    • Oafie
    • OptimusB (FNG)