76 Words
20 Seconds
2020-11-02 15:05 +0000
Pandemic/BreadLan Nov 13-16 (Leavenworth, WA)
- Pandemic gaming was weird
- Dadwan streaming and gaming powered by Discord
- Golf with friends!
- Hiccupatron got exposed and sick a day before but didn’t catch the ‘rona
- Prozach brought sourdough and made fresh bread every day
- Swag
- Dadlan face masks
- Dadlan Keychains
- Dadlan Enamel Pins
- No commemorative sticker because prozach was lazy and had no creative juice this year for obvious reasons
- 6 attendees
- ribo
- longjax
- Prozach
- Oafie
- OptimusB
- Geiger (FNG)